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Disability Service Standards


Silverlea Early Childhood Services is committed to upholding the National Standards for Disability Services and the updated NSW Disability Services Standards


Standard 1: Rights

You have the right to be treated fairly when you use disability services.


Standard 2: Participation and Inclusion

You can take part in the community and feel included when you use disability services.


Standard 3: Individual Outcomes

Your service supports you to make choices about what you want to do. You can work toward your goals.


Standard 4: Feedback and Complaints

You can tell people what you think about the services you receive.


Boy Playing with Blocks

Standard 5: Service Access

Finding and using services is fair. You can access the services you need. 


Standard 6: Service Management

Disability services should be managed well.


For further information on the National Standards for Disability Services please ask for a copy of our Information Booklet or see the Department of Social Services website 


NDIS Practice Standards

The NDIS Practice Standards specify the quality standards to be met by registered NDIS providers to provide supports and services to NDIS participants. You can view these on the NDIS Commission website 

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